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You know,

sweety1997 July 21, 2021 12:02 pm

a person that is not way to self-cantered in a self-destructive way, even if they lacked confidence….would have just flinched hearing that word outta nowhere and then just stared at the partner until the partner said something, said ´huh?!´ and waited for the partner to say something, or outright ask ´what is gross?´ and someone who is even remotely caring for the other would have gone further and said ´ what is gross? Is something uncomfortable? Should we stop if you are not ready yet?´ ….and then have a chat….like dude….this relationship is totally between two people who are not even complete human beings matured in being who they are and within Reality….how on earth are they supposed to have a relationship like this? In reality this would be an unfortunate toxic relationship, as the two could have been amazing together, but just met too early in life when they were not mentally ready yet for each other… it would have been a tragic experience to digest and learn from and then become a proper emotionally einstelligen adult and later on be ready to be a responsible partner for their next relationship….#-.-)
