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Jumbled and slow and stupid. And it's unnecessary to keep drumming in how fucked up Takash...

Stupid October 9, 2016 9:04 pm

Jumbled and slow and stupid. And it's unnecessary to keep drumming in how fucked up Takashi's life was when it's not even made clear why it's fucked up. Also, characters actions made no real sense, and the ending was a cheap cop out-there was no reason for the father to even have a kokeshi, let alone have it lying in the grass somewhere so the STUPID curse would continue.

    darkprincess32 December 9, 2017 6:01 am


    Was Takashi getting raped and tied up, his family hating everyone and themselves, his father killing everyone he ever new including himself (Takashi) by strangling the life out of him not clear enough???? And there were clear indications by his skin and bones that he was malnurished.