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Bruhhh okay I definitely see why he said it now. She should have clarified that when she s...

whalien July 20, 2021 1:31 pm

Bruhhh okay I definitely see why he said it now. She should have clarified that when she said “gross” she was referring to herself. But at the same time, idk if I would even bother to correct myself either if someone said “I can’t get hard with you” to me

    Mece July 21, 2021 1:25 am

    I don't think he gave her enough time to. I think she made a mistake and her inner thoughts slipped out. That may also be why she doesn't remember because to her it was thought, not something she said to/about him. She's in a brain fog because its her first time. It didn't seem like they discussed it prior, they were supposed to study and he went for it anyway...