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Now I'm at 43. Does she keep up with this attitude? I try not to put any moral/ethical cod...

Nim July 20, 2021 4:43 am

Now I'm at 43. Does she keep up with this attitude? I try not to put any moral/ethical code when reading fiction but maybe since the situation is kinda close to home....

So Amy knew that Nox, as a child, had an extremely difficult childhood. She treated him what he should have deserved and, then all of a sudden she abandons the same child and then go to hiding for three years? They find each other again and now she makes this absurd deal...? DJAksnjkdsc aAAAaaaAaa

Feel free to react negatively or passively.. or anything if you agree/disagree. I am unable to clam down hahahaha

    Nim July 20, 2021 4:45 am

    *42, not 43. I love Nox a lot but Amy is driving me craZY. So I stopped reading after this chap.

    eye think ive gone crazy like Nox LOL

    Nim July 20, 2021 5:02 am

    Hello I have still not clamed TT

    Because to me, if you act extremely nice to someone with the full intention of breaking their heart in the end, it really makes me angry.

    I enjoyed reading the first half of this series but now I'm upset and not even sure if I wanna continue. Maybe when it's completed..? There will be major character developments hopefully since there's not a lot of chapters out yet.

    Sorry for the long rants xD I was super invested the moment I started reading..