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I just

YeeHaw July 19, 2021 10:43 am

While it’s so nice and sweet that his love for hosik is so deep rooted and pure.
His obsession with Hosik is understandable as he does not want to lose him again but
the fact that he actually raped a semi conscious hosik really really bothers me a lot.
Like it literally overrides every single good thing he has done for Hosik.
He forced Hosik to keep the child.
Was ultra hesitant to let him go back to school.
Literally stalks Hosik’s every move.
Guys don’t even defend his actions please. Do you realise that while he is not physically abusive, he mentally and emotionally is very controlling over Hosik’s actions?
Deep rooted love or not, no one deserves to be raped.
If only he could have gone on pursuing Hosik with all he had and won him over this story would be so much more wholesome.

    Jade July 19, 2021 11:17 am

    Hosik gave his consent! If you read what happened before the first time they had sex you'll see how Hosik agreed

    YeeHaw July 19, 2021 1:15 pm
    Hosik gave his consent! If you read what happened before the first time they had sex you'll see how Hosik agreed Jade

    Nah ah he didnt.
    He was so drunk that he didn't even know what is happening.
    And when you have intercourse with a drunk person, that's called RAPE darling

    Reina July 19, 2021 7:14 pm
    Hosik gave his consent! If you read what happened before the first time they had sex you'll see how Hosik agreed Jade

    Not only was it rape he wouldn’t let him leave with out blowing him that is sooooo wrong

    Pheonix:3 July 19, 2021 11:09 pm

    I agree with everything else but hun forcing hosik to keep the child. Hosik was hesitant on keeping it but he did want to even before hyung told him he wanted to keep it

    Jade July 20, 2021 9:58 am
    Not only was it rape he wouldn’t let him leave with out blowing him that is sooooo wrong Reina

    oh true:/