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Jokes aside Does that happen in real life too??? Not just in m/m relationships

Dazai'ssuicidepartner July 19, 2021 3:45 am

Jokes aside
Does that happen in real life too???
Not just in m/m relationships

    Jackie the ripper July 19, 2021 4:13 am

    ..yes , yes it does.

    saggisilver July 19, 2021 4:28 am

    Yes if it's too intense

    Dazai'ssuicidepartner July 19, 2021 4:33 am
    ..yes , yes it does. Jackie the ripper

    So in that situation what both parties do??

    Ksh_k July 19, 2021 4:52 am
    So in that situation what both parties do?? Dazai'ssuicidepartner

    Just use paper towels

    Kacos_34 July 19, 2021 5:14 am

    Yes, its just called squirting and nothing a damp towel can’t fix. For men, however, they should not be able to do so while they are erect as the entrance of the bladder is blocked off in order for the sperm to be released through the ductus vas deferans (sperm duct). If u do pee while erect, that’s not common and u should prob go see a doctor

    Zoey Zoey Zoey July 19, 2021 5:19 am
    Yes, its just called squirting and nothing a damp towel can’t fix. For men, however, they should not be able to do so while they are erect as the entrance of the bladder is blocked off in order for the sperm ... Kacos_34

    Thank you! Im also like do these authors not understand basic male physiology at all? Bc it’s a common trope. Maybe it’s artistic license but I always get a bit distracted thinking of how this just doesn’t happen (when the penis is erect) unless there an actual medical problem. I’m female and not in the medical field but basic sex ed taught me men cannot pee with an erection unless there’s an actual issue.

    Dazai'ssuicidepartner July 19, 2021 5:23 am
    Yes, its just called squirting and nothing a damp towel can’t fix. For men, however, they should not be able to do so while they are erect as the entrance of the bladder is blocked off in order for the sperm ... Kacos_34

    Then what about they showed in bls

    Kacos_34 July 19, 2021 5:26 am
    Then what about they showed in bls Dazai'ssuicidepartner

    That’s prob the artist either making unrealistic depiction or they don’t have any knowledge of genitals

    Kacos_34 July 19, 2021 5:30 am
    Thank you! Im also like do these authors not understand basic male physiology at all? Bc it’s a common trope. Maybe it’s artistic license but I always get a bit distracted thinking of how this just doesn�... Zoey Zoey Zoey

    No problem and same, I’m not a medical expert either but a while back someone also commented their concerns of the characters being erect and peeing and if thats real and so I got curious and went on this whole research journey. So now whenever I see artists draw that, I’m like “oh no, does he need to see a doctor“ lmaoo

    Zoey Zoey Zoey July 19, 2021 8:20 am
    No problem and same, I’m not a medical expert either but a while back someone also commented their concerns of the characters being erect and peeing and if thats real and so I got curious and went on this who... Kacos_34

    Oh god my google search history looking up if sht is possible or normal that are yaoi sex tropes!?

    Jackie the ripper July 19, 2021 12:12 pm
    So in that situation what both parties do?? Dazai'ssuicidepartner

    Hm I’m quite certain you know what of woman do, squirting. For me can be both anal and from the penis. I’m sure the other comment explained it well enough.

    (⊃✖ 〰 ✖)⊃ July 20, 2021 3:42 am
    Yes, its just called squirting and nothing a damp towel can’t fix. For men, however, they should not be able to do so while they are erect as the entrance of the bladder is blocked off in order for the sperm ... Kacos_34

    (∩╹□╹∩) Wait that’s what squirting is????