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I don't know if I'm being heartless but when I read Gaston's story I was like "is that it?...

Mari017 July 17, 2021 2:25 pm

I don't know if I'm being heartless but when I read Gaston's story I was like "is that it?", I thought the ex had died, but she just married another man... And yeah, I have been in love and been heartbroken, so I know how it feels, but this didn't feel so sad for me?

    Matcha_is_Luv July 17, 2021 4:30 pm

    It didn't feel that sad cause there weren't any chances for us to feel too sad. It passed by too quickly that we weren't able to feel immersed in it (the story or the emotions, either way, it's the same). I don't know if that's a good explanation, but I do feel the same way. XDD!