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Ui. July 17, 2021 10:43 am

i- jeksjdkdks this manga is it i am over i am finished after reading this there is no need to read anything else ever again

low key curious tho,, at the end what happened to his memo book and albums?? why did he forget her? unless he remembered her that morning and by the time they met at the park he had already forgotten... wow that’s extremely sad lemme grab another tissue

    Hattiert July 19, 2021 10:01 pm

    You’re the only one who commented on the epilogue. So glad about at least one person to talk to. On the memo books and albums, I too, am curious. I may need to go back and re-read. I kinda remember when he was at a low point, thinking he was ruining her future, he destroyed them. Do you remember something like that? Though this said epilogue and there was a note from the author, it’s not marked as completed.

    Anyway, as a mom of a brain injured son, his neurologist said what they know about the human brain could fill a thimble. My son is now part of medical school case studies, lectures and rare recoveries. His injuries should’ve left him dead, comatose or in a vegetative state. He defied all of it. When people, especially boys, hit puberty, their brain chemistry changes incredibly.

    If this story happened with an adult, my heart would’ve been broken. With a child, miracles can happen. If this is the end, I choose to believe he has either recovered or learned to live with it and have a productive life like that movie 50 First Dates.

    Ui. July 20, 2021 6:29 am
    You’re the only one who commented on the epilogue. So glad about at least one person to talk to. On the memo books and albums, I too, am curious. I may need to go back and re-read. I kinda remember when he wa... Hattiert

    hahaha i don’t remember it but even so, between that moment and when they introduced themselves again i thought they would have made more memos and taken more photos again. it's a little confusing and illogical but maybe it's for the sake of the touching but bittersweet ending where he forgot her completely.

    i checked the baka manga updates website which said that this manga is complete with only 2 volumes, and has been completely scanlated as of chapter 13. unfortunately i think this open ending is all we get ╥﹏╥

    i am so sorry to hear a bit of what you and your son have been through, and i’m glad that he defied expectations and survived. regarding the manga ending, i think with an open ending we can feel free to imagine whatever we'd like for our two protagonists. i'll be optimistic and hope that he recovers well with Sei by his side!

    Hattiert July 20, 2021 11:47 am


    Thank you and I agree that sometimes open endings are the best.