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Sex Workers deserve respect too

silver_lightingSaber July 16, 2021 8:52 am

you dont know what theyre going through. you dont know their backstory. their real selves and what they are, are not just what you see and subject them. degrading them not caring for the fact that theyre humans & have feelings too is just nasty. everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but if you have nothing better to say then please stop reading, dont spread hate. Sex Workers deserve love too.

    shober July 16, 2021 9:02 am

    Literally you hit the mark on everything. No offense, but the degrading comments disguised as concern don't help either. Sure, the porn industry is exploitative but sex workers aren't all victims with zero agency, and ultimately it's their life and they make their choices. And guess what anon??? I'd happily date a sex worker monogamously. Those comments are also lowkey aphobia and disrespectful towards poly relationships.