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it was good but

theophania July 16, 2021 7:55 am

after the parents and gramps died I totally lost interest.... i hope it was something like they actually are alive but had the king and everyone else keep it a secret so tenma can go on his own journey since he didn't want to leave their side.... and the goddess saw that and went along with their wishes it also seems she needed him for something so she needed him to go on an adventure to achieve her goal so she didn't tell him just incase he becomes comfortable again.... so they took the chance that the village was destroyed to let tenma go for his own good..... But nooooo they had to be killed off...... and I mean come on that doesn't make sense they were the three strongest legends and they needed a kids help..... i mean I know he is super op and has a lot of blessing they should be at least to be as strong as him especially there are three of them.... and he had no mp left to cast a recovery spell but had enough mp to cast a highly destructive magic that killed the undead dragon..... also the three of them were hella strong I cant belive not one of them learn a healing or transportation spell of some kind to save themselves... and instead of arguing they literally had time for all of them to avoid the dragons attack
