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straight women speaking on gay relationships pt.2

bloomix July 16, 2021 12:41 am

i said i don't like how a bunch of women in the comments are talking about not liking switch mlm couples. i never mentioned gay men not liking switch couples. i'm talking about women who treat gay couples as something that should please them. learn how to read, your illiteracy is showing. i am a gay man myself, don't tell me how gay relationships function. now, move along.

    Ision July 16, 2021 9:41 am

    I have never understood this. Though it's not common. Readers even authors and assign male and fem roles to BL. Which stops it from growing. We get tiny ukes and large Semes. It's getting boring as hell.

    ### July 16, 2021 8:57 pm

    AGREED. Fuck these heteronormative demands

    Lillianna July 17, 2021 7:13 am

    i think it's people not being able to differentiate fandom and fiction from real life, so then they act like an authority on the real life gay community and relationships and how things work when really their expertise is ONLY in fictional tropes.

    Lillianna July 17, 2021 7:14 am

    Or you can be less aggressively optimistic than me and just say it's reducing gay men to stereotypes to fit a fetish

    Nekokitty-chan July 17, 2021 7:45 am
    I have never understood this. Though it's not common. Readers even authors and assign male and fem roles to BL. Which stops it from growing. We get tiny ukes and large Semes. It's getting boring as hell. Ision

    Exactly !!!! I hate it when top are considered all ''manly'' while the bottom have to be tiny, delicate and with feminin traits. A striking example is in '' Love is an illusion ''. However there is exception such as in ''At the end of the road'' or ''Under the green light ''

    Ision July 17, 2021 8:16 am
    Exactly !!!! I hate it when top are considered all ''manly'' while the bottom have to be tiny, delicate and with feminin traits. A striking example is in '' Love is an illusion ''. However there is exception su... Nekokitty-chan

    Yes that one is good. Play time with hakdo had a switching couple.