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when i think about it, it's kinda' Gokokuji's fault...he discovered she was a girl before ...

i.gasai September 25, 2016 4:34 am

when i think about it, it's kinda' Gokokuji's fault...he discovered she was a girl before that 3rd dorm guy did, according to the flashbacks so...if you were planning to keep her secret, why would you leave her in the infirmary without her shirt? if that were me, i would have been shocked but if i was planning on acting like i didn't know, i would have put her shirt back on. but then again, i guess it's to further the plot? minor plot hole, but still the guys are hot.

    i.gasai September 25, 2016 5:09 am

    although maybe he just messed up...he did overhear everything. i guess that's the direction and he'll most likely blame himself and feel a need to intervene? but still...ugh, now i'm overthinking it. lol looking forward to the update!