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I don’t blame our beefy boy for being stern and putting distance between them because of...

ThotChocolate July 14, 2021 1:54 pm

I don’t blame our beefy boy for being stern and putting distance between them because of the fact that same sex alpha pairings probably wouldn’t be looked at nicely by society. He was disappointed that one of them weren’t an omega, and the fact of the matter is he felt so shameful that he had such intense feelings for his alpha friend he put a wall in between them. I get why the other alpha is mad at that too because they probably would’ve been a good couple by now if not for that but at the same time he is 10x more alpha asshole than the one who put a wall around himself.

The fact that he sleeps around isn’t bad, but the way he holds a fucking grudge and changes his mood like the snap of a finger is kinda freaky. It feels like he will be very aggressive during sex eventually to the point of hurting the black haired dude. But that’s just my thoughts. I don’t blame either one of them, because the one is scared of what society thinks (which is understandable) and the other faces trauma.

I hope they try to talk more things out, because it feels like the black haired alpha ould be willing to but not the blondie. I think something is gonna happen.

I kinda hope some playboy or some asswipe comes and rattles some shit up and tries to seduce the black haired guy, he’s a cutie and deserves attention too.
