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mrsakaashi July 14, 2021 12:40 pm

I feel like that other kid that was with that ball-thingy kid, should get stay away from him. Coz, he's just being dragged along with that kids bs. and my gad, my blood is boiling over that father of his. In the first place, he is certainly the one to blame for that kids attitude. he wasn't even making an effort in making his son, atleast act as if he were good. their whole fam is literally blinded with greed, full of pride, and very envious about the other lombardy. there's no hope 4 them.

    nrz_2001 July 14, 2021 12:51 pm

    Yea hope the brother realized that just standing by is not enough, he needs to take actions too and not hang out with his ballsack brother. He seems like he's regretting it