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I think the reason why regina is seemingly becoming more annoying is how she seems so pass...

RinRinRinB July 14, 2021 6:10 am

I think the reason why regina is seemingly becoming more annoying is how she seems so passive about everything
Her friends tries to protect her from a potentially dangerous stranger but what does she do? Like do u not have a sense of danger, lady? And she's already been kidnapped once iirc but it's like all of that's been forgotten and she doesnt show much apprehension for Lou than to be expected just because he seems nice.
But the tldr is i don't think i've seen her actually speak her mind, like it's okay to say no, to admit if you're uncomfortable, and while i understand she's too afraid of ML to speak up but in most cases even in fictional, even at the face of danger most characters would speak their minds if they hate something. She lacks realism as a character, she's a little boring as a MAIN character because of how NPC she acts as if her lines and reactions are predetermined without any changes or surprises. And her reactions throughout the chapters so far has been the same repeatedly, just like an NPC.

You have to give your characters some freedom so they can have their development, and it starts with them doing something unexpected they usually won't do. And having this mysterious connection with "Lou" is not what I meant.
