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I'm just confused with the last few chapters... What's going on? Since when is she so sooo...

Catjar July 13, 2021 7:31 pm

I'm just confused with the last few chapters... What's going on? Since when is she so sooo close to Daniel? Where are the others? What ball/banquette (?) is this and why is it held? O.o

    mako July 13, 2021 7:57 pm

    theres a big festival event going on, she went to town to meet daniel, who she drank with a while back and they bonded quite a lot because litia doesn't see artificial spirits as mere tools. anyways she went to town and met daniel there, and there he told her that theres this festival where they choose the prettiest girl and all that, and he accomppanied her in the process. then theres this ball to celebrate the festival, and as the winner she can stay (as in be escorted by) with whoever man she chooses, and he is escorting her now. hope that helped

    Catjar July 13, 2021 8:22 pm

    Yes, thank you very much!