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So nostalgic

Aqua July 13, 2021 1:46 pm

Gosh I remember reading this manga from it's first update. It was like my ultimate cup of tea that I was tortured to wait for new updates every month back then. Idk how many times I read it until new updates came. And it left such a big impression on me (not that it had great plot or characters but just that it fit my taste perfectly) that I'm back to read it again after 6 years. lol.

    No name June 9, 2024 1:57 pm

    Wow dafuck?? This is my deleted account. I just came back after remembering this manga and feeling nostalgic bcs I really did like it when it first came out. Can't believe I had already commented on it 3 years ago. It's crazy how I still remember this manga after 9 years. I was 17 when I first read it, and now I'm 26. Wow. And my preference in manga hasn't changed at all lol. Kinda feels creepy