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Shirayuki July 13, 2021 10:20 am

I literally pay for the author’s story on Lezhin so I understand her frustration but she ain’t listening to what people have to say. No one is bashing her for taking action to protect her story and rights. Not a single person thinks it’s wrong for her to feel mad. Everyone understands it’s illegal to read translated webtoon for free. What people are trying to say is her anger is misdirected towards the wrong people. The ones she needs to be suing is the owners of the websites that provide illegal manhwa, not a random anonymous person on Instagram who translated 2 chapters. And the person on Instagram already explained she has no method to contact the owners of the website and talked VERY nicely about the process of how this website works but the author didn’t give a shit and didn’t listen to her/him at all. Yes, this person was wrong to upload the manga and she should apologize for that. But you’re suing and threatening this person for defamation even though they already explained they have nothing to do with this website and didn’t lie at all about what they could and couldn’t do??? You’re going after the small herds when you should be taking action against the bigger folks and that’s what is pissing people off - threatening someone who played little to no action compared to everything so far for something they can’t possibly help her in. They don’t have connections to mangago so why the heck is she threatening them for being connected when they aren’t?
