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My breakdown of the past few chapters

tsu.ken_ July 13, 2021 1:43 am

After re-reading chapter 52, Kyle's monologue in chapter 54 makes sense.

In chapter 52, when Ilyan was begging Kyle to stay and sleep with him, he said Kyle slept with him when he was blackout drunk so what made now any different ie, what's stopping him from sleeping with Ilyan now.

Which, when you tie that to Kyle's question of who Ilyan thinks he is in chapter 54, and then his answer of 'Boyfriend', I can understand why he's acting the way he is. Kyle already feels horrible about not picking up on signs of how serious Ilyan's addiction was, but he also regrets having met Ilyan under such conditions (one night stand while he was blackout drunk).

Knowing Kyle and his overall character, he probably feels like he took advantage of him and could've done something sooner to help Ilyan. So now when Ilyan is saying certain things like 'what's different now', it might make him feel like Ilyan only wants sex from him or doesn't really see him as a boyfriend.

    tsu.ken_ July 13, 2021 1:40 am

    Or I could be talking utter rubbish rn and sounding like a complete nutcase lol

    Nazesprei July 15, 2021 10:43 pm

    This. This need more attention.

    Kaze~ July 18, 2021 7:09 am
    This. This need more attention. Nazesprei

    I second that