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Wait isn't this the same thing as video games

Paul July 13, 2021 1:02 am

Like it's all just promotion. Ppl buy the game and then make a let's play for ppl to watch. Some ppl might just watch the let's play but much more ppl will actually buy the game. Same thing with manga. An uploaded/translator buys/translates and uploads on the site. Some ppl will just read it but more will buy It after. Bro this is good promotion for the author and she jist threw it down the toilet. Rip

    melina July 13, 2021 1:14 am

    No, it is not the same thing as the manga. The games are mostly interactive, they utilize different mentality. Whereas in mangas, the person does not need to repeat what they've already read, unless they're conscious and kind-hearted enough to support the author in the ORIGINAL and LEGAL site.

    It does not matter whether it is a promotion or not. It should not be a promotion either, since people only come here to find free manga, instead of actually go on sites to buy them. If a person wanted to discover a manga, they wouldn't do it in an illegal site.

    Doesn't it all connect?