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I was kinda miffed that the one apologizing was Nishihino when he had made clear to Nakano...

aerslevdi July 13, 2021 12:26 am

I was kinda miffed that the one apologizing was Nishihino when he had made clear to Nakano that he wasn't interested and he was always mindful of Kudou who to be petty arranged a date with a girl in from if him. The very thing Nishihino had asked him not to. I was glad that Nishihino chose communication and all that but at the same time this whole issue was brought by Kudou. I understand he was feeling insecure, but I don't think that's an excuse to make Nishihino apologize

    ConfusedBi July 18, 2021 4:48 pm

    Hmm.... you could see from that pov too huh.

    Well from my pov it looked like, Kutou thought Nishihiro told him to go him ahead so that he could be with Nakano and thinking that it would be hard to Nishihiro to choose btwn one of them, he tried to make him hate Kutou so that Nishihiro can go back to Nakano without any guilts. It was bc Kutou knew how much Nishi loved Nakano.