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redladyparadox September 19, 2016 1:35 pm


I really ship them and I'm especially supporting Haruki because his love for Akihiko is so pure and genuine. <3 I just want Akihiko to look at him romantically too and I hope he's not only leading Haruki on. =( I want them to end up together really bad!

From what I can see, it seems that Akihiko has still lingering feelings for Ugetsu ( his black haired roommate) since he was his first love. I just hope that Akihiko will move on from his love for Ugetsu and notice Haruki's feelings too. It will REALLY BE SAD if Akihiko ends up with Ugetsu. =(

Who among you guys agree with me and what is your opinion about their relationship?

Btw, Im feeling sorry for Uecchi's sister for having an unrequited love with Akihiko. BUt I still think that Akihiko and Haruki are most suited for each other. Why? It's because their personalities complement each other---> Haruki being the good natured and sweet guy while Akihiko is the strong-willed and cool guy.

Also, can anyone please post the link of the raws for chapter 12-14 if you have them? please! >.< Thank you!

    supremecurt September 19, 2016 12:37 pm

    I've shipped them since the beginning, I ship them harder than the main couple lmao XD

    But yeah, I'm rooting so hard for them. I'm not sure if Akihiko is aware of Haruki's feelings for him because wtf is all that weird "flirting"??!! LIKE STAHP but yeah, damn do I wish for some development.

    I finally made an account September 19, 2016 1:15 pm

    I agree 100% with you :) And as supremecurt said "I ship them harder than the main couple lmao XD"!!!
    I honestly believe that Haruki is the best match for Akihiko, not only character-wise but also from an emotionally point of view. Haruki is so truly in love with him and in addition to his kindhearted personality, he will make Akihiko so happy (⌒▽⌒)
    My heart will really break if those two don't end up together! But I have faith in Kizu Natsuki sensei that she wont disappoint us ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ I mean, I doubt she shown us for 9 chapters already, how much in love Haruki is without making them a lovey dovey couple in the end...

    MysticJC September 19, 2016 8:34 pm

    YESSS, I want to see Haruki with Akihiko, that poor guy needs some love T__T! Though it's gonna be interesting because I think Haruki doesn't have any knowledge of the "male crush" Akihiko had in the past (and that seems gone, from what he said to Uecchi in ch. 7) so he's just there suffering whenever Akihiko treats him kindly T_T. Poor Haruki. Ugetsu looks like an interesting character, but the chemistry he has with Akihiko now looks very similar to the one Akihiko has with Uenoyama. BUT THIS MANGA IS SO FULL OF COUPLES, AND TRIANGLES AND DRAMA AND AAARGH!!! WHY THIS CHAPTER IS ONLY 24 PAGES, THE LAST ONE WAS 48 PAGES LONG!! ┗( T﹏T )┛