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About my thoughts on the fl...

NippleFingers July 11, 2021 9:10 pm

So about the fl, I know we don't want her to change to fit in. But I would like for her to learn new things and adjusts to it, it like she didn't change, but just the better version of her

    Pernux July 12, 2021 6:32 am

    I totally get what you mean!! I would like her to at least be able to read and write properly! So although there some that think the prince is trying to “change” her I simply think that he wants her to have as much options as possible and to not be looked down upon.

    Madz July 12, 2021 12:59 pm

    Yes I’ve previously said something like this,,, I want her to keep her personality and just how she is as a person cause I love that but I would also like her to adjust and learn more things!!