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please don't hate on the story !!!

Blossoms July 11, 2021 3:23 am

Some people are hating the story say how Choi Tae-soo is too emotional and how they find that kind of annoying! But yall, if you think about it, it is good the main character is emotional because of these deaths that our main character is experiencing, we can see how the main character grows from them, which is showing a lot character devolvement in his character. Like if I am being honest would you rather have the main character not care about the deaths or would you rather have him do care and see how those death change him to be a different man, as this story goes on. If you think about every time the main character patient dies, it always encourages him to do better and work harder, so he can save as many lives as he can without going through that pain after he loses a patient!! I personally like that that the main character is emotional because you can see how much our main character cares about his patient!! I am glad the mc is the person he is today because what if he had a big ego and didn't know what to do in a certain situation, the story would have been very bad and annoying to follow along !! So everyone please support the author for putting in his hard work !! The only issues I have are going to be the translation and how sometimes the story get cut off or a certain part of the story get repeated a couple of times!! But other than that please support the author!! The story plot is amazing and I am really enjoying the character devolvement as the story goes on as well!! The story may be more slow pace but the story is a masterpiece so I am not complaining!!! I can't wait for the updates, that all I have to say bye!!! ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ
