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hey hey hey

tatsuhiko July 11, 2021 1:53 am

do you guys know the exact name of the font used in manga? does that make sense .. um .. like the font name? like how comic sans is one type and times new roman is another .. does anyone have the name of the one commonly used for translations of japanese manga? like for example the font in "koi wo suru tsumori wa nakatta"? please let me know if you do know i like it a lot and want to use it in some stuff of my own

    mafuyushairpins July 11, 2021 1:55 am

    wild words i believe or at least something similar

    Shizuna July 11, 2021 2:07 am

    I think it was Comic Sans MS. When used in a thought bubble, theyre in itallic. But again, im not sure. Theres a font detector in the webs you can use if youre curious tho.

    Yao-shi the gaylien potato July 11, 2021 2:25 am

    Font in the Koi wo suru are definitely not Comic sans, I think it's better to avoid using that font in any manga unless your leader tell you so or if it's necessary.

    It's either Wild word or Tim Sales.

    A side notes: you can check constipation font in Scanlation school discord. There, you can get many font pack for series scanlating

    Slim Shady July 11, 2021 2:51 am

    It’s not comic sans it’s wild words

    Yao-shi the gaylien potato July 11, 2021 2:54 am

    If you need any help, I can help with the best I can

    tatsuhiko July 11, 2021 3:57 am
    It’s not comic sans it’s wild words Slim Shady

    oh no i know that i was just using it as an example

    tatsuhiko July 11, 2021 3:58 am
    Font in the Koi wo suru are definitely not Comic sans, I think it's better to avoid using that font in any manga unless your leader tell you so or if it's necessary.It's either Wild word or Tim Sales.A side not... Yao-shi the gaylien potato

    no i know that!! i was just using it as an example i would never touch comic sans even if my life depended on it ... and i'm not using it to typeset in scanlations haha i'm using it for personal art projects ^__^ thank you though!!

    tatsuhiko July 11, 2021 3:59 am
    I think it was Comic Sans MS. When used in a thought bubble, theyre in itallic. But again, im not sure. Theres a font detector in the webs you can use if youre curious tho. Shizuna

    oh oooooh i had no idea there was such a thing as font detector .. thank you!!

    tatsuhiko July 11, 2021 3:59 am
    wild words i believe or at least something similar mafuyushairpins

    thats what a couple of other people said as well so i'll take your word! thank you ^__^

    vaneella July 11, 2021 6:13 am

    Standard ones would be Wild Words or Anime Ace but check out blambot (dot) com, they offer many free comic fonts too