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what the heck with this end???

kuroxtachi July 10, 2021 5:52 pm

why the heck it ends with not even see fl and ml what about their baby and wedding? ends right the moment they go down the mountain and and get discovered ... again a damn rushed ending in a single month it makes already over than 10 rushed ending what the heck with author's these days, they can't make a good ending at all

    Taku^^ July 10, 2021 6:19 pm

    It’s not the author fault for this manhua, rather the webc0m!cs didn’t translate the whole side stories.
    I’m not sure if their notice that this series ended today means the finale or there are more side stories of post-main story/wedding.
    We’ll have to wait for next Sunday to see if there’s new episode and if there’s none, then I truly feel cheated.
    I wasted my gems for the half-a$$ed job of translating, I might just better buy it from t@p@s instead of webc0m.