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First I have no idea how this manga is gonna play out for both of these guys and I feel th...

raziesgirl September 11, 2016 2:47 pm

First I have no idea how this manga is gonna play out for both of these guys and I feel that the real prince has the right to be that country's ruler lord knows all that he has gone through he deserves it . Know as for the way this country has been govern WAS MAJORLY FUCKED UP the premises of this mangas plot is cray cray How long did these women think that they could govern with the way that the country was ran so stupid on one hand they need men to make children but than they want to treat their men like trash because they lost a war really ? And than theirs Al who's just as much of a man as the prince and is willing to live as a woman for the rest of his life to do what ? go back to the same fucked up system that got them into this situation in the beginning . So he's gonna do what he's gotta get married who's gonna marry another man and what after that they have to have kids or are they gonna have someone else have them for him and fuck up that kid to it's just not realistic . And the Queen was mainly responsible for what happened she's a mother after all if she was gonna do that to him or let such things happen to him she should have just killed him from the beginning it would have been less crule than what he had to Indore . Plus Al and Guys crazy loyalty to a woman who treated her own in such a manner doesn't deserve to be loved knore honored and Al's outlook on things are just as messed up for the simple fact that he is one of the abused just like the real prince I could see if he was going back to change things than I could say alright but it as yourself not as someone else how are things gonna change that's what I wanna know under Al's region .
