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Lost a title i read :')

Alice July 9, 2021 7:47 am

This will be hard to explain the story since i didnt really read the whole thing but only some recent chapters...

But i believe it was a isekai(maybe) story with historical/royalty kind of story

What i read or saw, was the MC is a magician(?) No..probably a contractor, and her ex used her a lot with her power (saying that is all his lmao but he be weak as shit). However she is still keeping it a secret to everyone probably.

Shes married by a general i assume, i think they really like each other :) the man is very intimidating!

Anyway this might be of help, but the 2 contract spirits she had was a darkness type which looked like a cute black bunny with blue eyes. And another..thats a wind type and looks very wolf hybrid of some kind?

I remember she came back to tell the fleet that she discovered an village of monsters.

Also the soldiers of her, i assumed, husband, want to show honor of her since they felt bad they treated her poorly back then. So when a different fleet of soldiers talk shit about the lady, they tripped and was pissed. But they can't really be angry to fight, because they did the same to the lady back then. And i thought thats pretty sweet
