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Did FL love simon? Or she likes him or crush?

gojukento July 9, 2021 3:07 am

Did FL love simon? Or she likes him or crush?

    Ish26 July 14, 2021 1:33 am

    No. She loves him, as a person, and recognizes the he is someone she could fall in love with and have a happy life with. But she’d never be able to live him more than than Ian. That both of them would always choose Ian over the other. So in a since it’s a bitter sweet acknowledgment of what could of been but never will.

    gojukento July 14, 2021 9:06 am
    No. She loves him, as a person, and recognizes the he is someone she could fall in love with and have a happy life with. But she’d never be able to live him more than than Ian. That both of them would always ... Ish26

    What's the title of this manhwa again? Next time i should put hashtag title on my comments