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Mary July 8, 2021 5:45 pm

This is funny but the uke is so stupid and lacks a lot of common sense... I hope he matures soon because is unbelievable that someone at that age, is so stupid, because been poor has nothing to do with it! ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    NerdLife18 July 8, 2021 9:38 pm

    I don't think that it's because he's poor. He grew up in a very rural town, which is a completely different dynamic than the "big city". Even at his age, not having been around the type of activity that he is now experiencing, he has little to no knowledge of scammers, untrustworthy people, relationships, flirting, etc. IMO

    lucia_luce July 8, 2021 10:47 pm

    "Being poor has nothing to do with it"

    Have you been living a poor life tho? I might be wrong, but you probably live in a rich country where poor people around you are actually not that poor?

    I live in a small town, my country is probably a developed asian country, fortunately i'm not poor myself, but i met a lot of poor people (related family, neighbours, my parents' acquaintances, etc.), they tend to be a lot more naive and easy to trick because they're uneducated, you might not know that education/knowledge is the very thing that gives you 'common sense'

    The poor people i met are still 'stupid' or naive no matter how old they are, i met various people who are in their teens, 20s, 30s, or even 40s 50s and older, the younger they are the more 'stupid' they are

    MC is 18, and the poor teenagers i met in real life behave exactly like MC, and these teenagers i know still have parents, MC seems like he doesn't have parents, which makes him even more uneducated because he doesn't have adults who teach him about life

    lucia_luce July 8, 2021 11:00 pm

    Also i wonder if i ever replied to you in the past? I just remember i already answered someone who asked the same question as yours, if i remember correctly they even used the same emoji lol

    Mary July 8, 2021 11:55 pm
    Also i wonder if i ever replied to you in the past? I just remember i already answered someone who asked the same question as yours, if i remember correctly they even used the same emoji lol lucia_luce

    mmm No I'm not a rich person, but it's a mistake to think that people who is poor is stupid... there are so much people who doesn't have the same opportunities as others to reach their goals, but that doesn't mean they are stupid...... And this is the first time I post about this so if you replied to me maybe was in another manga or maybe this same manga but not about the same topic ;)

    hoonii July 9, 2021 5:51 am

    some ppl aren’t educated if you were from the country side you would’ve understood they don’t know that much common sense as u refer to it since education isn’t free everywhere and ppl in smaller towns don’t usually know about scams imo