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Aria H. July 8, 2021 7:29 am

So I got my hands on the raws and I can’t speak a lick of Korean but I had a friend try to explain the translation to me.

So obviously both little boys (yes, both Seme and Wonwoo are acting like little kids and need to talk this shit out instead of yelling.) Wonwoo’s gray haired friend is making his way towards Wonwoo ( I suspect he has feelings for him or is very protective of him) which incredibly pisses off the seme and a fight happens (nothing physical). During a talk with his manager or the team’s manager, Seme has all these thoughts about Wonwoo, the nice things he did for him, and he realizes he caught feelings for him. Wonwoo and his friend with other workers go out to drink and gray haired guy gets wasted so he ends up bringing him back to his apartment to let him sober up. Seme who doesn’t believe in boundaries manages to barge in and gray haired guy is like “WTF”. More bs ensues. So after what felt like a hundred years for me, Seme goes after Wonwoo and they talk and make amends. So they’re actually dating; going to eat, going to the movies, Wonwoo getting his back thrown out by the Seme hehe, and all is good until a game with another baseball team is happening and I forget if Seme was the pitcher or not but his arm got damaged/broken by the ball. Wonwoo takes care of him and this only makes their relationship grow stronger.

    tiddybear July 8, 2021 9:34 am

    damm i usually hate spoilers but i needed no to make sure the angst would eventually go away #-.-) really like how the author is developing the drama tho

    anyways, thank you so much for explaining! have a good day :)