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Okay dad. Now come and punish the red head. How dare he slap princess hand.

Bobo July 8, 2021 4:58 am

Okay dad. Now come and punish the red head. How dare he slap princess hand.

    Orangepie July 8, 2021 1:29 pm

    yes. ISTG if he did not react worse than when the guard LOOKED at her wrong. I'm outta here.

    Song Ah July 8, 2021 3:10 pm

    I feel if that happens and she saves him from being punished he'd start to like her
    (๑•ㅂ•)و✧SUFFER A TRAGIC LOVE YO U SON OF A BITCH!Casue like then he'd be like: "If I only I treated her with respect if only I was like ray maybe things wouldn't have ended like dis" Ofc I can't just say he is the second male lead maybe he ain't it.Plus he be worthy to have the title of second ml.I LOVE ALL THE ML! And is it meh or sometimes its always the second male leads who got more looks than the ML?

    Bobo July 9, 2021 7:51 am
    yes. ISTG if he did not react worse than when the guard LOOKED at her wrong. I'm outta here. Orangepie

    Lmaooo same sameeee

    Bobo July 9, 2021 7:51 am
    I feel if that happens and she saves him from being punished he'd start to like her (๑•ㅂ•)و✧SUFFER A TRAGIC LOVE YO U SON OF A BITCH!Casue like then he'd be like: "If I only I treated her with respec... Song Ah

    I swear it's always happens like that. Lmaoooo