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i just don't get where this is going. gah, can it just finish already. why am i still read...

mitigates July 8, 2021 3:08 am

i just don't get where this is going. gah, can it just finish already. why am i still reading this lmao. i get zero chemistry from cain/jooin, it's so one sided it's insane.

are yall gonna have a threesome or nah

    Dee July 8, 2021 4:57 am

    Zero chemistry??? Huh we must be reading different stories because idk what you are on about with the idea of Jooin and Cain having zero chemistry.

    mitigates July 9, 2021 2:09 am
    Zero chemistry??? Huh we must be reading different stories because idk what you are on about with the idea of Jooin and Cain having zero chemistry. Dee