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This is just sad !!!

Blossoms July 7, 2021 9:14 pm

WHAT!!! COMPLETED!! WHY!! I LOVE YOU AUTHOR BUT STILL!!! I REALLY WANTED TO SEE MORE, THE ENDING WAS SO UNSATISFYING!!! THE ENDING FELT WAY TO RUSHED!!! like it really disappointing because I been following this story snice chapter one, just to see the ending rushed like that !! ╥﹏╥ the story left me with so many confusion and questions!! I hope we can get a reason why but it is sad to see you just completed your story just like that!! I understand if you have your reasoning but if you want to start a long story at least make the ending reasonable for your viewers, don't just leave and dropped the story with so many unsolved answers !! what happened to that guy that show up at Simon house ? What happened to Simon spilt personality ?? Did Simon learned to control his powers ?? Did Simon and whatever that guy named come together ??? Did Simon teacher and his sister come together ??? What happened to Simon parents ?? their are definitely more question that are probably unsolved but those are just some of the questions I can come up with off the top of my head !!! Author I am really disappointed with you, this story had so much potential to be longer !!! I hope the story isn't really completed and their is some logical explanation!! but if their isn't that just sad!! if your ever do make another story, please at least try to make the ending reasonable !! But if I am being honest this story dose has it flaws but I stand up for it because I beloved this story was worth it!! but now that I see the story was just throw in the trash and dropped, I am mad!! I have given my thoughts about this unsatisfying ending and before anybody put the dislike button, this is my opinion and you have to respect that!! Also respect every other person who putting a complain about this ending ending because it really is just sad to see the author completed a good potential story just like that!!! that all I have to say goodbye!! (=・ω・=)
