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what I understand and what i guess happen

Azi July 7, 2021 8:46 pm

"in the past "
"throwback from prof as a child"

xia ge(long hair guy) and hua (pink daddy hair) know each other in the past they both need to catch the high graded ghost then out of nowhere they met a child (the prof). xia ge and hua are close to each other (maybe they are in a relationship) then the child( prof) fall for hua (pink daddy hair) and he saw them kissing so he got jealousy so the bad spirit gotten big but hua saved him again. then one day xia ge and hua fought that day and he never comeback. while the child(the prof) stay by his side thinking that he gonna gave his attention to him but that doesnt happen. then one day they move to other place and they met the girl (who look xia ge in prof eyes) he got a feeling to that girl and they bear a son(Chenhua) but each day have pass the body got weaker and weaker and he still missing xia ge before he died. and the prof hate that he still miss that guy after all those years he left then he stole the tongue pierce of him (he's obsessive with him)

*about the fight between xia ge and hua before he left [maybe] due to the prof fault. remember he throw an ash (something like flour) curse on xia ge and runaway and the bad spirit got strong and hua save the prof. then from saving the prof hua got weak. then we see something mark like a curse on the body of xia ge. it can be from that prof curse.

he fight with hua so maybe he can left to get cured. he know that hua got weak so if he knows it. he will save him than him. which will make him even weaker (this is just a guess)

*I also thinking that xia ge got a child and hua met him before he die.( for me hua save him but it has an after effect to xia ke.)

"the present time"

xia ke(short black hair) who got a room mate named chenhua ( pink hair guy) he also became his assistant. he have positive aura like his father and chenhua also met the prof( the child in the past)

*xia ke got his ability to see a dead person when he still a child. from the nightmare "he met hua ( the pink daddy hair guy) something happen between them that's why he's finding him"

*the photo of chenhua see in his phone is his mother together with his father Hua but he didn't know his face.

*That disgusting prof - The part he lick his hand after they got a touch of fingers. its because he's still have lingering feelings to hua(pink hair daddy) so maybe he's thinking its him thats why the jealousy, possessive to obtain something is getting piled up the more xia ke and chenhua got close.

* im having a guess if this might happen or not

that maybe chenhua can be the hua(pink daddy hair) guy in the past like he got reincarnated to his body

- maybe because he have the ability like his father thats why he can see something in a dream.

-or it can be that hua asking something from his son...? thats why chenhua cans see in his dream from the past of what happen. its like his father want to tell him something like something regret.

i also thinking if chenhua remember tha child face of the prof because they are are childhood or because of the dreams he always see.
