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I'm re-reading this and... Wtf, I understand Mr Han even less now. What the hell was he wa...

Nenu July 7, 2021 2:17 am

I'm re-reading this and... Wtf, I understand Mr Han even less now. What the hell was he waiting for? He knew Param liked him but was too shy to say it, plus the fact that they were both men AND he was his superior, like, you can't just go confess to him and risk losing your job like that, so why didn't he make the first move? Then he kept giving Param mixed signals, and when he had the perfect chance (when he was pretending to be drunk and Param was undressing him) he let it go???Then he finally decides to actively seduce Param for when he's already seeing someone else... Only when he realized he was losing his toy did he go for it. Seriously, I dislike his type so much. Now I don't blame Param for being confused and not being able to respond to Hwi sooner. He was being played, my boi.

    Goob July 7, 2021 2:46 am

    THANK YOU!! I felt so sad when everyone called Param the bad guy when he was literally not knowing what to do from all the mixed signals ╥﹏╥