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To all the people

weebcyr July 6, 2021 11:54 am

To all the people who thinks this story is disgusting, ik it can be to some people but please understand that this a a reality I've heard so much cases of child sexual abuse like this story, and truly asking me this story is a masterpiece just it has few chapters but masterpiece nevertheless, so I do hope that rather than finding it disgusting or waste of time please do consider that the author cleary wrote something of reality, which is happening in this world, so I truly hope you guys can appreciate this, I've seen very few authors/writters to do this type of work because it doesn't do well to them, cause many people just like to read a flowery story whitout a sense of reality. Ps: I'm not being rude or anything and if you find my comment rude then I'm realy sorry for I didn't Convey this nicely but I do hope y'all can understand
