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No, let’s talk. Here’s the real issue with this webtoon.

blink111 July 6, 2021 8:31 am

There’s a shit ton of glorification. Yes, and you can’t argue that. The way the scenes are romanticized portrays it to be just that- romance. When in reality, its r*p*, torture and everything bad. The way the faces of the characters are made cute when they have ‘normal couple’ scenes even though its a captor and his captive. This is hiding the true horror behind the story and that’s why we have imbeciles in the comments saying ‘omg he’s so hot tho! Am I sick?” Yes, you are sick. Your moral aptitude is quite terrifying. You don’t call a murderer hot. I expected to see more slander here. It’s really disappointing that people feel the need to speak their disgusting thoughts. You’re glorifying this character and reinforcing toxic morals by saying this sh*t. The author made him attractive, yes. Beauty doesn’t outweigh bad personality. In this case, a literal r*p*st. Y’all are the same people who write fanfics of literal serial ki*lers.

    Kawai plantpot July 9, 2021 11:05 am

    Lol I disagree it's clear that the female lead is suffering and the ppl around her knows that her situation is screwed up the only person you see with happy is the guy she's with since this is what he wants, I don't think you really get what it means to romanticize something

    Kawai plantpot July 9, 2021 11:06 am

    Either that or you just don't understand the story too well

    blink111 July 9, 2021 11:14 am

    um I’m talking about the art and portrayal of the story itself. Yes, it’s clear that she’s traumatised and that he’s mentally not ok but those little scenes where their drawn as aw cute or whatever is what makes it so disturbing and wrong