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I'm so saaadddd that aki and power died, but more so that aki died because we know that po...

Shari de shark July 6, 2021 6:27 am

I'm so saaadddd that aki and power died, but more so that aki died because we know that power goes back to hell, but loses all her memories in the process and besides she made a contract with denji to go back to hell and go find her and help regain her memories or something and become friends with denji again. BUT WITH AKI that's not possible cause he's a human not a devil like denji and power so he's fucking gone unless reincarnations a thing then fuck yeah but highly unlikey. My boy aki just wanted at least denji and power to live and have a fun life if possible with him included as well but fucking makima just had to ruin it and he was warming up with denji and power to so that just hurts even moreee.
