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Damn, If kirishima wasnt such a psychopathic dick, then he would have been such a good hus...

Makatosbitch July 5, 2021 11:57 am

Damn, If kirishima wasnt such a psychopathic dick, then he would have been such a good husband. Like I love him so much but he’s so irritating. I don’t really ship the fl with anyone, I think she’s perfectly fine on her own rn, and even though there’s a fuck ton of tension between her and kirishima, I don’t think it’s humanly possible for them to get into a relationship. I love the tension and dynamic they have, and it would be great to see them in a romantic relationship, but given the circumstances, it just can’t be done in a good way.

    nyanpoop July 7, 2021 9:53 pm

    I agree. Kirishima being a good husband is defo the case, look how he takes care if her. His only problem? Literally everything else lmfao.
    I reckon they’re a perfect fit though, because only she can handle him. So I don’t think there will ever be any conventional romance in this story, but I think they will stay together. But that’s only if Kirishima doesn’t end up dying. I get the vibe that he might die.