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cristal July 4, 2021 3:26 pm


    MYAN July 12, 2021 6:35 am
    Honey ….the kid that u mention is u , look at the mirror n see how ridiculous you are. U mad cause gojo can’t fuck u like how he fuck yuuji lol Naraa

    Oh and here you romanticising it lmao what a hypocrite

    Naraa July 12, 2021 7:16 am
    Oh and here you romanticising it lmao what a hypocrite MYAN

    How am I romanticising it?? PLS ENLIGHTEN ME did I say I wanna get fuck by him? OF ALL PEOPLE SATORU???? Plsssss wow, I guess kids theses days don’t even know how to read I say GUESS U MAD CAUSE HE DIDNT FUCK U LIKE HOW HE FUCK YUUJI LOL

    MYAN July 12, 2021 7:20 am
    How am I romanticising it?? PLS ENLIGHTEN ME did I say I wanna get fuck by him? OF ALL PEOPLE SATORU???? Plsssss wow, I guess kids theses days don’t even know how to read I say GUESS U MAD CAUSE HE DIDNT FUCK... Naraa

    I feel like you missed the point you need to study on your reading comprehension bud

    Naraa July 12, 2021 7:32 am
    I feel like you missed the point you need to study on your reading comprehension bud MYAN

    No it’s u who missed the point, from the start I said that if u are not comfy with the plot buzz off, cause what happen here in these STORY STAYS HERE, nobody NO ONE NOT ONE SINGLE soul should act upon it IN REAL LIfe. I’m not defending A SINGLE SOUL THAT IS SUPPORTING PEDOPHILIA. How is that still a problem for y’all, this is manga, where Ton of plot being written by many creators, if u don’t like it then go away, don’t engage with it anymore. Lol I don’t geddit with kids like u telling me to reread on what I wrote, clearly u missed the point, looks like KIDS LIKE U WANNA GET SO FUCK BADLY BY 2d characters

    MYAN July 12, 2021 7:39 am

    Stay pressed

    MYAN July 12, 2021 7:46 am
    No it’s u who missed the point, from the start I said that if u are not comfy with the plot buzz off, cause what happen here in these STORY STAYS HERE, nobody NO ONE NOT ONE SINGLE soul should act upon it IN ... Naraa

    Love how the only insult that comes to your mind is "kIdZ lIk3 yOu s0 bAdlY wAnN4 fUcK a 2d cH4RaCtEr" thinking that its a great insult
    ╮(^∇^)╭ *claps* great creativity u wanna star?

    Naraa July 12, 2021 7:48 am
    Love how the only insult that comes to your mind is "kIdZ lIk3 yOu s0 bAdlY wAnN4 fUcK a 2d cH4RaCtEr" thinking that its a great insult ╮(^∇^)╭ *claps* great creativity u wanna star? MYAN

    The same shit cmg out from ur keyboards - u support pedophiliaaaaaa~~~~ - since the first day u comment. Lol ISAP tetek mak aku la sial, budak bawang banyak songeh, masih diam kat dalam kandang kerbau.

    Naraa July 12, 2021 7:49 am
    Stay pressed MYAN

    Shiver me timberrrrrrr~~~

    MYAN July 12, 2021 9:42 am
    The same shit cmg out from ur keyboards - u support pedophiliaaaaaa~~~~ - since the first day u comment. Lol ISAP tetek mak aku la sial, budak bawang banyak songeh, masih diam kat dalam kandang kerbau. Naraa

    Because you actually are

    And portraying me as someone who's thirsty for 2d lines ain't gonna hurt me cuz its true i might be bad but not as bad as supporting pedophilia and defending it

    Naraa July 12, 2021 9:57 am
    Because you actually areAnd portraying me as someone who's thirsty for 2d lines ain't gonna hurt me cuz its true i might be bad but not as bad as supporting pedophilia and defending it MYAN

    Thirsting over old men, wishing they ram u deep, if that isn’t sexual harassment then idk what it

    MYAN July 12, 2021 10:29 am

    Lmao don't care if they're older I'm 22 it's harassment if i ask them and bother them for it but can I tho? No right?

    Isrameao July 12, 2021 11:25 am
    The fact that these minors are the same one thirsting over DILF, MARRIED MAN, grown up adults that has a big age gaps with them shut up , focus on ur sch kiddoz what r u doin here on this illegal website that... Naraa

    It's no use bb they're just a bunch of minors wandering where they shouldn't be and the fact that they go to every toxic manga/manhwa and comment how bad it is and attack it's readers proves us right kids being kids lmao

    Isrameao July 12, 2021 11:27 am
    Lmao don't care if they're older I'm 22 it's harassment if i ask them and bother them for it but can I tho? No right? MYAN

    So u were fine with a 15 yo in this site and not triggered with a fiction? Please i can't eve-

    。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。 July 12, 2021 11:29 am

    This section has me cackling (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ calm down your starting to miss the point a bit in this petty argument

    MYAN July 12, 2021 11:34 am
    So u were fine with a 15 yo in this site and not triggered with a fiction? Please i can't eve- Isrameao

    Lmao i can't stop them from reading on this site but i can tell them to stop romanticising weird shit like y'all are doing

    Isrameao July 12, 2021 11:44 am
    This section has me cackling (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ calm down your starting to miss the point a bit in this petty argument 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。

    Idk dude they just keep on something that doesn't make sense and its so funny

    Isrameao July 12, 2021 1:54 pm
    Lmao i can't stop them from reading on this site but i can tell them to stop romanticising weird shit like y'all are doing MYAN

    Whatever ur small ass brain says

    MYAN July 12, 2021 2:05 pm
    Whatever ur small ass brain says Isrameao

    Yeah whatever your pedophile supporting ass says

    Isrameao July 12, 2021 5:03 pm
    Yeah whatever your pedophile supporting ass says MYAN

    Couldn't find a better insult? Lmao figures

    MYAN July 12, 2021 6:10 pm
    Couldn't find a better insult? Lmao figures Isrameao

    Yeah your insult was "small brain" very clever Isrameao very clever indeed