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cristal July 4, 2021 3:26 pm


    Isrameao July 6, 2021 3:19 pm
    Lmao y'all are so fuckin deranged fiction or not its still pedophilia, its the same as a fictional character raping another fictional character and of course y'all are gonna call it rape and label it rapist rig... MYAN

    Rape or not Loli or not incest or not it's still fiction idiot and no I'm not gonna be a toxic bitch and go all over the comments just to tell em it's not right cause no one gives a fuck it's not real and it's not hurting anyone but u just had to because ur sensitive ass wanted to act heroic on a fantasy pedophilia and really would u stop already ur not insulting anyone and ur not encouraging anyone to stop reading cause whoever in their right minds would know that this is just okay on fiction and not in real life ur clearly stupid and just want attention by defending unreal characters instead of real ones lol

    Isrameao July 6, 2021 3:22 pm
    You gotta be shitting me I'm aware of the legal age of consent were talking about minors here MINORS DoYouKnowWhatDatIzz!?a person under the age of full legal responsibility.And consent??Do YouKnowWhatDatIzz?!... MYAN

    At this point i feel like I'd rather argue with that 15 yo unreal character lmao u been affected too much by animes and manga so snap out of it and get some real life friends damn

    Isrameao July 6, 2021 3:24 pm
    IFKR !!!! There are actual problems in real life that is disturbing yet he/she or whoever that trying to say that this is more disturbing I geddit it’s wrong but it’s not illegal for fiction … if th... Naraa

    It's like we're making them read by force lmfao

    MYAN July 6, 2021 3:30 pm

    Y'all missing the point of my arguement lmao y'all so stupid af

    MYAN July 6, 2021 3:30 pm

    I feel like im arguing with a kid that has he same rebuttal again and again

    Isrameao July 6, 2021 3:36 pm

    Sure lol

    Naraa July 6, 2021 3:40 pm
    I feel like im arguing with a kid that has he same rebuttal again and again MYAN

    Honey ….the kid that u mention is u , look at the mirror n see how ridiculous you are. U mad cause gojo can’t fuck u like how he fuck yuuji lol

    MYAN July 6, 2021 3:40 pm
    At this point i feel like I'd rather argue with that 15 yo unreal character lmao u been affected too much by animes and manga so snap out of it and get some real life friends damn Isrameao

    Lmao who is the one who loves the pedophilic relationship of a 15 year old boy and a 28 year old man, your the one who needs to get a life

    Seeing how retarded you are is an insult to intelligence itself

    MYAN July 6, 2021 3:44 pm
    Honey ….the kid that u mention is u , look at the mirror n see how ridiculous you are. U mad cause gojo can’t fuck u like how he fuck yuuji lol Naraa

    Sis don't lump me with the likes of you desperate people who masturbates to 2d lines, I'm not an outcast like you are and unlike you i have a partner lmao

    Deranged Dickass low-IQ'd mf with a logic of a 12 year old

    Naraa July 7, 2021 1:00 am
    Sis don't lump me with the likes of you desperate people who masturbates to 2d lines, I'm not an outcast like you are and unlike you i have a partner lmao Deranged Dickass low-IQ'd mf with a logic of a 12 year... MYAN

    Yeahh with the way u type all this shit… it convinced me even more that u read things here just cause it’s on tiktok. Lmao u read just cause it’s fluffy cute bl boys ….. who tf says we are an outcast, u just show us that u r one of the ppl who bullied those otaku’s Yeahh… unlike u I have a partner, yeah sure in different dimensions

    MYAN July 7, 2021 2:15 am

    Pfft I've been reading in this site for year before even tiktok blew up and i have a list on my phone bozo

    Asa July 11, 2021 5:11 pm
    Yeahh with the way u type all this shit… it convinced me even more that u read things here just cause it’s on tiktok. Lmao u read just cause it’s fluffy cute bl boys ….. who tf says we are an outcast, ... Naraa

    You are disgusting

    Asa July 11, 2021 5:16 pm
    Ur sick if u consider this pedophilia idk what else to tell u honestly it's fucking fiction with unreal characters they are not living beings so wake the fuck up and go lecture some real life pedophiles okay an... Isrameao

    This is pedophilia and you need help smh I guess your pedophile I’m scared since I’m 15 and everyone seems to support it

    Asa July 11, 2021 5:19 pm
    Ur sick if u consider this pedophilia idk what else to tell u honestly it's fucking fiction with unreal characters they are not living beings so wake the fuck up and go lecture some real life pedophiles okay an... Isrameao

    Oh so your taste are minors and adults fucking really pedo fucking disgusting like literally fly high

    MYAN July 11, 2021 5:20 pm

    They admit that the manga is pedophilia and loves it then claim they don't support pedophilia like whut?

    Isrameao July 11, 2021 8:40 pm

    Oh so u reply then u block me ? If ur so scared u shouldn't meddle with adults and just so u know if i support pedophilia i would say it to ur face dickhead am not a scaredy cat nor a coward like u ppl acting good while hiding urselfs kids should stay away from this jeez a Fucking 15 yr is lecturing me lmao

    Isrameao July 11, 2021 8:43 pm
    They admit that the manga is pedophilia and loves it then claim they don't support pedophilia like whut? MYAN

    Bruh just stfu u seriously don't have a life all u do is spread ur shit to ppl LEAVE US THE FUCK ALONE and GROW THE FUCK UP ur annoying as fuck

    MYAN July 11, 2021 8:43 pm
    Oh so u reply then u block me ? If ur so scared u shouldn't meddle with adults and just so u know if i support pedophilia i would say it to ur face dickhead am not a scaredy cat nor a coward like u ppl acting g... Isrameao

    Pressed much? And if that's true that actually sad because it means a fifteen year old kid is smarter than you

    Isrameao July 11, 2021 8:45 pm
    Pressed much? And if that's true that actually sad because it means a fifteen year old kid is smarter than you MYAN

    Cry about it ur probably 15 and never went outside in ur life

    MYAN July 11, 2021 8:46 pm
    Bruh just stfu u seriously don't have a life all u do is spread ur shit to ppl LEAVE US THE FUCK ALONE and GROW THE FUCK UP ur annoying as fuck Isrameao

    Actually it's you that needs to grow up we know what fiction means fiction or not romanticising pedophilia and even defending it?? Pfft y'all make me laugh