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I decided to look at images on the Promare tag on Tumblr one day and I immediately recogni...

tittysprinkles July 4, 2021 2:47 pm

I decided to look at images on the Promare tag on Tumblr one day and I immediately recognized this artist due to this webtoon. They have a ton of Promare fan art. I would've told them I recognized their art style but I saw them mention that they have a webtoon out but they weren't going to say the name since it wasn't in English yet. Tumblr name is bae-hyun-hee

    nickname July 4, 2021 5:12 pm

    waaaah tysm!! i've been a fan of this webtoon from a long time, i've tried to look for the webtoon's title (back then) and even the author themselves but couldn't find a single clue. again, ty!!!