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i think doc is serious

esme July 4, 2021 1:13 pm

i dont know, but it feels like doc is serious to our hyuk. he wont act like that if he's not, right? i mean, the facial reactions, his body movements, and the way he talks to hyuk like he needs assurance that hyuk also feels the same way. he wont act like that if everything is just a play for him or he's not serious about his relationship with hyuk. but i bet, the hoyeon guy will do things that will complicate doc and hyuk's relationship.

    Aryatetsu July 5, 2021 3:09 pm

    Yes! I feel the same, and as the professor said "you try to show your better self to someone you like" or something like that. We know that they only have seen the "player" version of Dr, but man, have some faith in your "friend" and don't intervene in someone else's relationship, at least if you truly don't know what's happening