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I've just got to chapter 22...

Just Here :) July 4, 2021 12:03 pm

Am I right, is Young Seo's Brother???? I think I'm wrong... But he referred to himself as a big brother and Seo said he was texting his Brother... I know culturally close friends are known as Brother, but then wouldn't he be Hyung? I'm loosing it here after what I saw Young do to Seo in previous chapters... I mean Young is ONE BIG RED FLAG, he has been practicing Classical Conditioning on Seo since childhood.
And you can see the clear effects on him through his erratic behaviour towards relationships and sex. His association with sex and Young, and how he's trying to deprogram himself. There is also a direct parrell between his association between love and alcohol. The ill-fated confession, the fact he can only see Lee alone while drunk when they have sex. And of course he only drinks heavily when he's encountered Young (including being manipulated after Young told him Jae had found a girlfriend), it's like he's in withdrawal from Young and alcohol is the next best thing.

I'm not surprised Lee can't see this, and I can't blame him for not noticing yet. It is so difficult to spot when you can only see half of what's going on. But I think he's starting to realise. And he's doing his best, but he's also feeding into Seo's dependancy right now. Even the act of sex at school, it was intoxicating to Seo, despite his better judgement, and Lee is too enthralled right now to notice the warning signs.

I wouldn't even be mad if Young is Seo's brother. Although I usually hate that trope. He is clearly set up as a villain, and has caused massive trauma to Seo. It's sad to say, but this does happen. And so, while I think it is an honorific, either way, the author has done an incredible job so far of portraying this kind of systematic programming. And how that can and does effect people later on in life. Down to the cabinet Seo want's to get rid of, but can't. And the fact that no matter how much he doesn't want to, he cannot help but agree to what Young wants. It become as much apart of him as breathing.

Sorry for the rant. It's just this has blown my mind so far!!
