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Nooo. Why does every story have to involve rape?? I loved this couple and Kyle, but this i...

Forgot July 4, 2021 6:42 am

Nooo. Why does every story have to involve rape?? I loved this couple and Kyle, but this is not okay. It doesn't matter if someone ask to have sex beforehand, if they start saying stop in the middle of it, anf their partner keeps going, it's NO LONGER CONSENTUAL.

And Kyle shouldn't even have agreed to this in the first place. He knows Ilyan isn't in the right condition in both mind and body. Even if Ilyan asked for it, Kyle knows it's not for the right reasons and that he's vulnerable right now. So WHY NOT just wait and talk it later when Ilyan has cooled off?? I'm seeing people say he's doing it to prove a point to Ilyan. What does it prove to keep going after he begs for it to stop?? Why not just talk??

This is so dissapointing, I have no idea why the author suddenly decided Kyle is a rapist unemotional jerk. I loved his character before this :/
