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I'll pick it up again, I'm just curious~

Ampk.95 July 4, 2021 12:30 am

Quick question? They still in highschool or nah?

    912account July 4, 2021 1:54 am


    Ampk.95 July 4, 2021 6:48 am

    Tf does this year mean? Yeah this is still an overdramatic highschool or yeah they graduated and dramatic in college?

    badonkadonks July 4, 2021 11:02 am
    Tf does this year mean? Yeah this is still an overdramatic highschool or yeah they graduated and dramatic in college? Ampk.95

    They're on fuggin highschool
    BruhHHH is this like Phineas and Ferb with sum long ass vacation?? omG
    Teachers: " aight imma leave, i ain't paid enough for this shiet"

    912account July 4, 2021 11:12 am
    Tf does this year mean? Yeah this is still an overdramatic highschool or yeah they graduated and dramatic in college? Ampk.95

    I said yea