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balls July 3, 2021 5:18 pm

Why do u fans want to see them have sex so badly that you disregard the whole backstory of ash, since he was a child he was used for sex until his death, I get it trauma doesn’t define them but did you guys really miss the scenes where he literally would get scared to death by a simple touch? From a sa victim, my only point here is that it’s DISGUSTING as fuck that you guys are defending this and hating on people saying they feel uncomfortable, yes this is a dj, I get it, it’s not canon, but that doesn’t make it any better. Even if it wasnt ash and eiji I still find it weird that it’s mainly the female fans who want to read two men (who don’t have a sexual relationship) have sex... fetishizing vibes. You guys can say all you want, but just remember how disgusting you are for reading this shit, you guys are terrible people literally reset yourself irl, why the fuck would u like this? Yes this dj has tags and I don’t have to read it blah blah but it’s the thought that these people want to read this shit..

    Heavypause July 4, 2021 7:34 am

    Dude I understand if you don't want to see content sexualising someone who was assaulted. I myself also almost went through that kind of encounter. But this is content about two consensual adults, they aren't even doing some hardcore play. Ash is a perfectly grown man who can decide whether he wants to have sex and this dj is just showing a possibility of it. If you really dislike it just please refrain from looking at such content. This site is known for having r18 boy love content so why would you purposely go into a site and look at gay content which according to you 'fetishises' them. Please stop passing out judgements of people and calling them disgusting so quickly and be more objective

    balls July 4, 2021 11:20 am
    Dude I understand if you don't want to see content sexualising someone who was assaulted. I myself also almost went through that kind of encounter. But this is content about two consensual adults, they aren't e... Heavypause

    Mmmm no but ok