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I noticed something.

Yahwi's jooin July 3, 2021 6:41 am

I was rereading it, and at the button adult shop, I noticed he had a scar in his left forehead near left eye

    《Pixel》 July 3, 2021 6:43 am

    I'm confused

    Yahwi's jooin July 3, 2021 7:14 am

    Oh shit autocorrect

    Yahwi's jooin July 3, 2021 7:15 am

    I meant i noticed the orange hair dude (forgot his name) has a scar on his forehead*
    If u wanna see it, it's when they bought bunch of suits chap

    《Pixel》 July 3, 2021 1:12 pm
    I meant i noticed the orange hair dude (forgot his name) has a scar on his forehead*If u wanna see it, it's when they bought bunch of suits chap Yahwi's jooin

    oh!!! I see it! excited to see the more behind it! as for his name uhhh.... we can call him potato cause I dont think we have any other names besides that..