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やめて July 3, 2021 1:40 am

y’all upset and mad at uke for only wanting sex… like dang people can’t just have sex now?? So now he “sus” and “a bad guy” …. The mans just wanted some dick … and besides he doesn’t even know what’s going on in seme’s head. For all he know they’re on the same page …..and vice versa for seme.. he’s thinking they’re on the same page as well. Y’all should be getting mad at both since no one didn’t use an ounce of COMMUNICATION before entering whatever they each thought they were entering together… that’s all I’m saying.

& I wanted to add in as well… who would’ve known that seme would want to be in a relationship?I wouldn’t-.- Look at how many times they’ve talk to eachother… and they’ve barely spent time with eachother ALONE… how would uke know that the mans would’ve fell in love that fast.

    sevenodds July 3, 2021 1:51 am

    100% facts
    ALSO since this is a yaoi, the seme's obviously probably going to develop feelings for the uke later. Damn just have patience